
For the first time in the world, solar cells have been installed on a crash barrier. It is a stretch of 72 meters on a crash barrier next to the provincial road N194 near Heerhugowaard. It is a test with flexible foil with solar cells....

At the start of this year, TNO awarded the prize for the Excellent Researcher 2017 to Mirjam Theelen. This prize is awarded every year within TNO for scientific research with impact. Mirjam Theelen works within the Solliance programs and conducts research into the aging behavior...

One of the highlights at Solliance in 2017 is undoubtedly our work with the integration of thin-film solar cells in various applications. The integration work is becoming more and more visible. Our experience with the technical challenges involved has increased considerably. This leads to a...

Solliance has achieved world record cell-level conversion efficiency of 13.5% and module-level aperture area conversion efficiency of 12.2% for perovskite-based photovoltaics using industrially-applicable, roll-to-roll (R2R) production processes. Following the consortium’s previous cell world record announced earlier this year, this latest breakthrough is another step towards...

Technology meets design! In order to develop new applications for thin-film solar cell applications, Solliance has asked three design studios to reflect on innovative applications of this solar film. Studio Tour, Studio Bas Sala and VANTOT are selected for the SolarSquare Challenge to create a concept design...

Three design studios devised how to apply thin-film solar panels in the future park in the Emmasingel kwadrant in Eindhoven. Solliance made a flexible solar panel available and provided expert advice. On 11 October, the candidates – Studio Toer, VANTOT and Studio Bas Sala – have pitched...

[et_pb_section admin_label="section"][et_pb_row admin_label="Row"][et_pb_column type="2_3"][et_pb_text admin_label="Text"] Op woensdag 8 november, vindt de 2017-editie van de Sunday plaats! Locatie Spant! te Bussum. De 5 redenen waarom u de Sunday niet mag missen: De Sunday is al jarenlang het grootste zonne-energiecongres van Nederland waar de gehele sector bijeenkomt onder het motto...

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