
Holst Centre, imec and ECN pave the road to upscaling Perovskite PV modules [caption id="attachment_1842" align="alignright" width="200"] Up-scaled perovskite module - 10% efficiency[/caption] Solliance demonstrates a record 10% aperture area power conversion efficiency for its up-scaled thin-film perovskite photovoltaic modules. The efficiency was measured on an aperture...

During the visit of the german goverment to the High Tech Campus, german state secretary Schütte and minister Bussemaker visited Solliance Solar Research. During the visit of Bondskanselier Angela Merkel to the High Tech Campus, Minister of Education, Culture and Science Jet Bussemaker and state...

Solliance is pleased to announce that Panasonic Corporation has joined a research program concerning the development of roll-to-roll manufacturing processes aimed at large scale production of flexible perovskite solar cells as one of the industrial partners. Research will be carried out at the Solliance pilot...

At the request of the topteam of the Topsector High Tech Systems and Materials (HTSM), FOM en STW organize, in accordance with the Materials Innovation Institute (M2i), six High Tech Materials (HTM) calls. This spring the 5th High Tech Materials (HTM) call took place with...

Solliance congratulates René Janssen with the Spinoza Award! Winning this prestigious price is a great achievement and it is a public confirmation of what we at Solliance were already convinced of: the team of René Jansen is showing great academic performance and perseverance in the...

Solliance makes steady progress on perovskite photovoltaic module reaching a record 11 percent conversion efficiency SAN FRANCISCO (USA)—July 10, 2015—Nano-electronics research center imec, part of the Solliance thin film PV research organization, announced today at ITF US (San Francisco, July 13, 2015), a record 11.3 percent...

Dyesol Limited (ASX: DYE), a leader in Perovskite Solar Cell (PSC) technology, and Solliance are pleased to announce that today an agreement was signed making Dyesol an Industrial Partner of Solliance, a world-class solar energy consortium situated in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Eindhoven, 16 June 2015 –...

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