03 Feb Impression of Solliance from European Conference Industrial Technologies
Last June, the Netherlands was the proud host of the the European Conference Industrial Technologies. Industrial Technologies is the largest networking conference in the field of new production technologies, materials, nanotechnology, biotechnology and digitalisation in Europe, with more than 1.250 high level delegates. Industrial Technologies 2016...
11 Jan BNR Election debat on Energy Transition
On Febuary 6th BNR Nieuwsradio organises an Election debate on Energy Transition between candidate Members of Parliament, which will be broadcasted live at 15.30hr and available via live steam on www.bnr.nl. The event is hosted by the Nederlandse Vereniging Duurzame Energie (NVDE), and will take place...
21 Dec Have a relaxed, joyful and inspiring Christmas and a happy new year!
The year of 2016 is coming to an end, a good opportunity to look back at our highlights of this year. At the same time we would like to thank all our research and business partners for the trust they have placed in us and...
16 Dec Solliance Partner Day 2016
On December 15 the results of the Solliance programs were reviewed by researchers and the industrial partners and the plans for 2017 were fine-tuned. The day provided a load of information for people who were interested in the main story and in the finest details...
07 Dec Ultrathin protective layer brings quite a bit more stability to perovskite solar cell
The addition of a few nanometers of a thin layer of aluminum oxide protects a perovskite solar cell against humidity – still a major stumbling block to the commercial application of this new type of solar cell. A surprising bonus is a yield boost of...
30 Nov Solliance in favor of stronger EU regulation on energy use
Solliance and Philips Lighting were in the prime time news bulletin on Dutch television. View the news item here. The EU will come with stronger regulations on energy efficiency in buildings. Both organizations stand positive towards these plans and welcome them as an opportunity for new economic...
25 Nov Sunday 2016
Once more the 2016 edition of the Sunday conference gathered more than 200 people from research and industry to learn and discuss about the world of PV and the challenges ahead. For Solliance the key take-away message is the importance of aesthetics and the need...
21 Nov Toyota, Toshiba, Nissan and Hitachi visited Solliance
On November 16 Toyota, Nissan, Toshiba and Hitachi visited Solliance. They shared their ambitions for the development of Environmentally Friendly Vehicles and their ongoing development of Next Generation Power Electronics. In a lively discussion the shared ambition of integration of thin-film photovoltaics in electrical vehicles...
27 Oct Hanergy starts testing thin film PV at Solaroad
We are proud to see Hanergy has joined the Solaroad project and started testing two new road elements based on Hanergy's Global Solar PowerFlex thin film PV (CIGS) at the Solaroad in Krommenie (Ned). Aim is to test Hanergy’s Powerflex modules as an enabling technology...
27 Oct ADPV signs Joint Development Contract with Solliance
EINDHOVEN – 27 OCT 2016 - Solliance is pleased to announce that ADPV Limited has signed a Joint development contract with Solliance concerning the development of two-step electroplated CIGS modules. Research will be carried out at the Solliance pilot production facilities on the High Tech...