01 Jan Solliance’s focus renewed
At the end of 2024 Angèle Reinders ended her work as director Solliance Solar Research. We look back with appreciation and thankfulness on her valuable efforts for Solliance. The operational management of Solliance is now in the hands of a management team under the chairmanship of Mark Boneschanscher (TU/e). The other members of the Solliance Solar Research management team are Ivan Gordon (imec), Bart Vermang (University Hasselt) and Wiep Folkerts (TNO).
The four partners in Solliance Solar Research brought a renewed focus on the cooperation between research institutes, governments, and companies in the regions around the axis Eindhoven (NL) – Hasselt (B). Important partners in this cooperation are also the provinces of Noord-Brabant and Flemish Limburg and the organization for economic development in Brabant (BOM). The scope of the cooperation focuses on the following important developments in PV-technology: Perovskite based PV, Tandem PV and Mass customization technology for PV.