Stability of perovskite solar cells
Talking about perovskites, the word stability or lifetime soon comes up. A lot of energy has been invested in the research to arrive at stable perovskite based solar cells. New chemical composition, new layers and new barrier technologies combined made these solar cells more resilient to oxygen and moisture. The milestone of one thousand hours in at 85 degrees Celsius and 85% relative humidity is already past.
Arantxa Aguirre (imec) and Lukas Simurka (TNO) researching perovskite based solar cells and modules. They will give you an insight on this research in this webinar.
Other webinars, related to lifetime of thin-film solar modules are planned for the future. A webinar (s)ALD for thin-film solar is planned for January 25th and Packaging technologies for thin-film solar modules is planned for February 22nd.
Stability of perovskite solar cells
Talking about perovskites, the word stability or lifetime soon comes up. A lot of energy has been invested in the research to arrive at stable perovskite based solar cells. New chemical composition, new layers and new barrier technologies combined made these solar cells more resilient to oxygen and moisture. The milestone of one thousand hours in at 85 degrees Celsius and 85% relative humidity is already past.
Arantxa Aguirre (imec) and Lukas Simurka (TNO) researching perovskite based solar cells and modules. They will give you an insight on this research in this webinar.
Other webinars, related to lifetime of thin-film solar modules are planned for the future. A webinar (s)ALD for thin-film solar is planned for January 25th and Packaging technologies for thin-film solar modules is planned for February 22nd.
11 January 2021
09:00 CET
16:00 CST
17:00 JST
Registration Free
Aranzazu Aguirre

Aranzazu Aguirre received her PhD in Experimental Physics from the University of Antwerp in 2008. After her doctorate, she joined the Molecular Materials and Nanosystems at the Chemistry department of the Eindhoven University of Technology, followed by a second post doctoral research period at Imdea Nanoscience Institute, both in the field of characterization of organic solar cells by spectroscopic techniques. After these, she joined Abengoa Solar NT as R&D Manager in the photovoltaics division.
She is currently mainly working on upscaling of perovskite based photovoltaic modules and developing strategies to ensure their reliability and stability. She explores laser interconnection and encapsulation approaches for modules in the framework of several projects involving both academic and industrial partners.
Lukas Simurka

Lukas Simurka received his M.Sc. degree in physical chemistry from the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Czech Republic in 2011. After that he worked as a researcher at Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany.
In 2013, he joined Şişecam Science and Technology Center in Turkey, focusing on the optimization of glass surfaces and coatings on glass. He combined his work in the industry with doctoral research at Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín, Slovakia, and received his Ph.D. in Inorganic Technology and Materials in 2018.
Since 2019, he works as a research scientist at TNO/Solliance. His research concentrates on upscaling of perovskite solar cells and modules with a special focus on reliability.
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